
Вы чувствуете, что находитесь в Китае, когда …
m.fantasticdonkey.com   07-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

The night clubs are strange…

You walk into a night club, and you have to pay for a seat. There is no dance floor. The club’s employees entertain you while you just sit and watch and drink.

Shhhhh, silent motorcycles everywhere

I read somewhere that there are 121 million electric bikes in China, that is 10 bikes for every person in my country and that is without counting the traditional bicycles. It’s strange how there are no accidents here with silent bikes whizzing by on the pavement.

Your fish gets killed after you buy it

You want a fish. You point to one in the tank. They kill it while you watch. They smash its skull and remove the scales and hand it to you, calmly.

Banks open on a Sunday and Saturday

So do some schools and many offices. Sundays and Saturdays are not a Chinese off day.

You want water? Here is some hot water, it’s good for your stomach

I have a fetish for cold drinks, unless they are tea and coffee. Everything must come to me chilled. Not here, though, because water is generally served warm, in winter or summer. Some offices actually have water heaters on standby.


Источинк: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2014-05/04/content_17477254.htm

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